Philippines Travel Ban

The Philippines Travel Ban ends on January 15th, but the Philippines news has posted that the Travel ban will be extended. I am in stasis until the Philippines government makes up its mind. A new article by philstar says that the new Covid variant has not been detected in the Philippines.

Good news, and it’s even more likely that a travel ban extension will be announced soon.

Remain in Japan

I already have a new place to live if I need to stay in Japan. It’s not far from my current residents, so I’ll be able to move without needing a moving company. It’s a shared house, so I don’t need to move my fridge and washer. I’ll give them away to a person who needs them.

I’ve never lived in a shared house before, but I like new experiences. Setting around in the same place day after day is boring to me. I don’t understand how people live in the same house, doing the same thing for years. Most people don’t travel more than 100 miles from their home. I am not a hobbit. 

Leaving Japan

If the Philippines travel ban is not extended, I need to buy a last-minute high priced ticket and leave the country. I can’t buy a ticket early because I don’t know what will happen and I already have enough vouchers from airlines that don’t fly anywhere because of Covid. The lockdowns have been a strain on everyone’s finances. 


So here I sit, with shipping boxes full of my belongings and waiting on the Philippine government to make up its mind. Do I ship my stuff to the Philippines or sign a contract for the shared house. 

I need to leave my current residents by the 20th, so I’ll have five days, including a weekend, to get everything done if the Philippines government waits until the 15th to decide what to do. Everything needs to fall into place correctly, or I might be living under a bridge overpass. There’s never a dull moment because of Covid. 

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