Oyata Hikawa Shrine – Flood Protection

Oyata Hikawa Shrine is a Shinto shrine located in Nakagawa, which is in Adachi, Tokyo. The Shrine grounds are small compared with famous Shrines in Japan. Still, it’s a cozy, quiet place where the Japanese come to worship.

The Shrine stands behind Torii gates and welcomes all travelers who pass by. The Shrine is well maintained and cleaned. People often visit with their small children and let them play under the trees.

Flood Protection

From what I have learned, this Shinto Shrine is worshiped to quench flood damage. The shrine is next to the Nakagawa River, and the river flood issues have been eliminated because the bank is higher. I have been through several typhoons living next to the river, and there has been no flooding.

Well Maintained and Cleaned

If you visit the shrine on a Sunday morning, you will see several people sweeping and cleaning. The buildings, trees, bushes, and grounds go through an inspection for any damage or branches that could fall and hurt someone. 

The Shrine and grounds are always kept spotless and untarnished. The people who maintain and clean are happy to greet each visitor and answer questions.


There is a sign posted at the front of the shrine informing visitors that the Kami of the Shrine has not inside the shrine because of COVID infection.


I’ve visited this Shrine several times because it’s next to the walking and biking trail next to the Nakagawa river. I visited today, December 20th, and the weather was frigid. I could have made snowpeople if there was snow, but snow is unusual in Tokyo. Still, the Japanese were out exercising, playing baseball, and, yes, cleaning the shrine grounds. 

A flock of pigeons was at the shrine, but unfortunately, I didn’t have anything for them to eat. I’m sure they were hungry on this cold morning. Funny how they didn’t bother the workers at the shrine. I’ll return next week with some bread crumbs for them.

After leaving the shrine, I was able to see a large boat on the river. The driver must have been someplace warm. I didn’t see anyone driving. The vessel displaced a lot of water because, within moments, the waves were hitting the bank.

Have you ever visited the Oyata Hikawa Shrine? Let me know about your visit to the shrine in the comment section below.

Have questions about this shrine? Please leave them in the comment section below, and I’ll do my best to answer them.

See you at the shrine and bring breadcrumbs

Check out another shrine here.

Here is another website with some information about this shrine. Keep in mind that the shrine’s name is incorrect on their site, but the information seems to be correct.

7 thoughts on “Oyata Hikawa Shrine – Flood Protection”

  1. I have been to Japan, but I have never seen the shrine that you visited. Your blogs help other people like me to understand the different shrines and their meaning to the Japanese. It’s nice to see also the pigeon, and maybe I will try to bring some crumbs when I visit a shrine to feed them.

    • Thank you for the information. I looked on Google maps for the name. I’ll revisit the Shrine because it’s close to where I live.
      I’ll read the website you listed to understand better how shrines are different. It will ensure the correct information is on the travelandjapan.com website.

      Thanks again,


    • I have visited this shrine several times over the past year. I revisited it today. I went over every word at the shrine, and the shrine’s name is nowhere on the shrine grounds. I do, however, have a picture of the first flyer you posted.

      In the past, someone must have named it Nakagawa because the name is not listed at the shrine. I will update the travelandjapan.com website and submit a name change to Google and other search engines.


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